Friday, February 25, 2011

Not all bad

Even though in general the week has been kind of a downer, there have been some good moments.

We got the play-hut stuff out of storage for the first time in 9 months. The boys LOVED it!!!! We also rotated toys in and out, and they are still occupied.
I made the boys put jeans with worn out knees so their crawling wouldn't ruin good jeans. Ethan didn't like having holes in the knees of his jeans, so he put them on backwards.

Here is the flower Ethan picked for me on Wednesday. He is so very sweet. And I can't believe we have dandolions in Missouri, in February.

I have to share this! Colton was having a tough time listening to me all day. So I told him I would help out and he could keep his hands over his ears while he played for about 10 minutes. That way he would have an excuse for not listening. So far, there has been great improvement on his part.

I can't forget my haircut! I had a great hair week, but was still determined to cut it off. Also, the conversation with my stylist flowed well. Either she forgot, or just knew. There was a lot of small talk about Colton and Ethan and her girls. She was running behind and in kind of a hurry, so there was more concentration and less catching up. I am very grateful for this, as I really didn't want to dig into it all.


After! I love this haircut. It is short. And seems much shorter this morning. Plus, I haven't had bangs in 15 years or so. Really a big change. I think the phsyical transformation is complete, now to just keep working on the inside of me.

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1 comment:

  1. What sweet boys you have! <3 And I love the haircut! You look great!


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