Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

We really had a blast of a weekend!  The four (five) of us spent so much time together, just really having fun.  I love weekends like that.  These three boys bring so much laughter and happiness to my life.  I am so excited to see what Simon is going to add!!

Friday evening we headed out to one of our favorite parks, Nathaniel Greene.  This park has it all!!!!  We picked up Dairy Queen for dinner, as the boys LOVE their hot dogs!!!  Plus Simon and I are really digging their crispy chicken sandwiches.  The boys ate quickly and then were off to the merry-o-round. 

I am so excited they have brought these back.  I think you learn alot by riding, and falling off, one of these.  Plus my boys have this crazy strong daddy that can really get it going.

The boys also joined up with another kid for a game of hide-and-seek.  Here is Ethan trying to be sneeky.  Love the look on my kiddo's face.

The best Daddy ever!  There is no one in the world that I chose over him to be the father of my children.  If it weren't for him, my poor boys wouldn't have half the fun they do.  I always fall in love with him all over again when I watch him with the boys.  

Ethan's best hiding spot of the night.  Willy's idea.

We stopped at the butterfly house on our way down to the lake.  Most of them were slowing down for the night.  But it is such a peaceful and magical place.  I think of all my babyloss friends and their sweet babies as the butterflies flutter around me. 

 Only in Springfield, MO can watch a deer come out and eat in the middle of town.  Colton and Willy played a little game to see how close they could sneek up to it.  They got pretty close, but were scared off a little when they began to smell skunk

On Saturday we braved the heat to take the boys fishing at Springfield Lake.  We chose the other side of the bridge from the fishing docks.  The boys are still pretty spastic with a pole, and it was more peaceful.  But it was HOT!!

Colton fishing, enjoying the water.

Ethan trying to unstick his pole.

The dragonfly that hung out on this rock for over an hour.  Miss and love my Lucas and Caleb.

One of my new favorite pictures.  These two boys are truly the best of friends.

A countless number of dragonflies.  Just an amazing site!

Saturday night we headed out to the JR Martin park in Republic for a birthday party.  This is another of my favorites!  There was a short downpour when we arrived, and then this triple rainbow.  You have to look really close, but you can make it out. 

There is also a video that is hilarious, but it won't load right now.  Will have to try again later.
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