Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Post A Day

It's November 1st.  And for the first time in a while it being the 1st affected me.  I miss Lucas and Caleb, and this morning I felt that familiar sting the 1st used to always bring with it.

I miss writing here.  I hate that I haven't made the time to sit down, post pictures, and just write about what is going on and how it is raising a baby after losing babies.  I have a list a mile long of posts I want to write.  So for November, I will try to post a post a day.  I will work down my list and get back into the habit of posting.

For now, here is a picture of Simon.  It was taken a few weeks ago, but I wanted to share this picture with everyone.  I love this onesie!  I still tear up when I see it, and when I see him in it.

1 comment:

  1. Love his onesie. :)I also love your posts!


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