Wednesday, January 29, 2014


S is sleeping.  He's sleeping later than normal, much later than he has the past several days.  He had a rough night last night.  This momma grabbed two containers of a snack from a shelf the other day, one wasn't safe.  I read the label on the first, and grabbed the second assuming it was the same.  Poor kiddo had red cheeks, arms, legs, and torso.  It's not a real itchy rash when he breaks out like this, but it feels warm to the touch.  He had that horrible diarrhea that comes with eating the wrong thing, so I know his stomach hurt something fierce.  I hate this for him.  And I hate that I'm the one that bought the snack and set it out for him to eat.  I know we're still new to all this.  And that less than two weeks ago we thought his rosy cheeks were just him, his on and off skin irritations were just sensitive skin.  And that a normal dirty diaper for him was, well, pretty gross.  And that he was just a temperamental toddler.  So, I'm letting him sleep as long as he needs to.  I'm enjoying the quiet time, now that I no longer am watching Luke.  I miss the little guy, but I have more time now to be the mom I want to be.

I wanted to share this though.  Dru gave us a gift this weekend. It's actually for Willy, he can put it up at work, if he starts spending more time at the office. 

I saw this and the tears came flooding out.  It took a few seconds for me to take in the pictures, then I saw the details.  The thought she put into making this complete.  Knowing that someone other than me was thinking about Lucas and Caleb as they were working with our family picture means so very much.  There really aren't words that can describe how it feels.  And even though two boys will always be physically missing from our family pictures, they are always with us.  And seeing the dragonflies here, is reminder that they are with others around us also.
So many thanks to you, Dru.

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