On Monday my good friend, Maritza, and her daughter, Sofi, came by to visit for the afternoon. It's been over a year since we've seen them and it was so nice to spend some time together. Maritza and I have remained close even though there is hundreds of miles between us. I often wish they were still here, but at least we can talk on the phone.
Tuesday, well we know how Tuesday was. The Hart boys did come over in the afternoon for some pool and bike fun. Plus a picnic outside for dinner. This summer will be full of afternoons like that!
On Wednesday my grandma rolled through town on her way to Branson. Her and Bob decided to spend a few days down there before she went home to start chemo. They wanted to see some shows, and she wanted to do some shopping.
They stopped here so we could have lunch at Lambert's. We LOVE to eat there, but don't very often due to the crowds and the possibility of walking out of there 10 pounds heavier. I felt a little anxious going back. We hadn't eaten there since Willy's 30th birthday, when I was pregnant with Lucas and Caleb. Here's the post where I talked about the crazy amount of food I put down.
On Thursday, Ethan and I did some shopping after dropping Colton at school and then heading to the gym. Shopping was okay, but this certain lady at Michaels was cranky and she kind of put a damper on my mood. But then we spent some time at the Hart's before picking up Colton and that seemed to help a little.
And today was our MOPS spa day and our last meeting for the school year. I am so sad to see so many moms go, including our coordinator, Sarah. It's been a good year, and I know we'll get together a lot over the summer. I also had some anxiety about today, since it was this meeting last year that was the last I went to with Lucas and Caleb. But I held up surprisingly well.
All-in-all I am happy with how well I am holding up. I really thought I would be having a tougher time of it. And maybe that's why I'm not. I know I still have some really tough days ahead of me. But some of the projects I am working on this month have really helped me to see through the clouds a little, mostly.
Thank you to everyone keeping me/us in your prayers and thoughts as we approach Lucas and Caleb's birthday. I know everyone of your efforts help me get through each day.
I will continue to think of you as you remember your sweet little boys. ((Hugs))